I have had several people comment on how much my children look alike, and likewise, have had several people tell me they look nothing alike. So for comparison purposes I dug up pictures of my children at approximately the same age, doing the same thing. What do you think?
You can definately tell that they are siblings. I think L looks more like you and K looks more like Ben. They are both gorgeous!!!! Love you friend!!!
I looked at the pics before I read the post and thought that they were the same baby. Now looking I see some difference but they look very alike if you ask me. CUTIES!
Oh I think it is so funny how they are even both gnawing on a yellow rubber duckie! I don't know what it is...there is something alike that they share for facial features...but to me Kaitlyn looks like daddies girl and Lance definitely has mommy's eyes! They are two precious little babies! Could they get any cuter? Adorable!!!
I do think they look alike but their cheeks and eyes different. Beautiful great-grandchilren!
Love, Nana
Enough to be siblings but definitely their own persons!
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